From HTUP%HARVARDA.BITNET@cmsa.Berkeley.EDU Mon Oct 25 13:59:10 1993 Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 16:34:54 EST From: HTUP%HARVARDA.BITNET@cmsa.Berkeley.EDU Reply to: Progressive Economists NetworkTo: Multiple recipients of list PEN-L CLINTON AND LABOR Elaine Bernard, Executive Director, Harvard University Trade Union Program October 13, 1993 Few popular groups worked as hard as organized labor for the election of a Democratic administration. Over the dozen years of the last two Republican administrations, unions have seen their ranks shrink from just under 25% of the workforce in 1980 to a dismal 16% of the workforce today. In the private sector, once the stronghold of labor, less than 12% of the workforce is organized. The US currently has the second lowest rate of unionization of all OECD countries -- second only to France. Yet, the decline in numbers has done nothing to reduce business and government attacks on organized labor. Vilified as "big labor," unions stand accused of undermining US productivity and competitiveness through restrictive work practices, high wages and costly benefits. Even as working people's real wages declined throughout the decade, labor continued to be targeted as a major culprit in the decline in US economic performance. In a rare exception to the overall deregulatory drive of government, unions have faced increased restrictions on their activities and greater regulation, reporting and monitoring through court and administrative actions. Throughout the country there has been a severe erosion of the right to organize. Still, with few legal rights in the workplace and no right to participate in workplace decision- making outside of collective bargaining, unionization is a necessary prerequisite for American workers for acquiring and exercising their basic rights in the workplace. Grim statistics however, point to a regime of fear, intimidation and isolation which characterizes many American workplaces -- and denies workers the right to organize. One in ten US workers who attempt to organize is illegally fired, with reinstatement a lengthy bureaucratic procedure taking up to three years. The US remains one of the only advanced industrial jurisdictions where the majority of workers are denied basic employment protection, such as requiring "just cause" for employment termination. Rather, they are subject to the doctrine of "employment at will" essentially permitting employees to be fired at the employers' whim. Marginalized as a special interest group by successive Republican administrations, organized labor saw the victory of Bill Clinton as an opportunity to recover some of the influence it once had as the organized voice for working people. On the positive side of the balance sheet, labor credits Clinton with signing the Family and Medical Leave Act into law, an important reform, although woefully inadequate compared to most other industrial nations. This act simply assures that workers in firms with 50 or more employees may take limited leaves for compassionate reasons with their health benefits continued, but without pay. A step up from indentured servitude, but hardly a bold initiative in the area of worker rights. Lifting the vindictive ban on federal employment for the Patco strikers fired by Reagan in 1981 was applauded by labor. But twelve years after the dispute, with few openings for federal air traffic controllers, the administration's action is best seen as a symbolic gesture. A more significant act, although one which is clearly in the interests of the Democrats as well as organized labor is the repeal of sections of the Hatch Act banning political activity by federal employees. Finally, the nomination of Stanford Law Professor William Gould IV as Chair of the National Labor Relations Board has raised labor's hopes for positive action from the board. With considerable power in rule making, an activist NLRB interested in enforcing worker rights through a commitment to expedite deliberations and court enforcement of its decision-making could do much to discourage union busting and encourage organization even under existing law. At the Department of Labor, the appointment of Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor Robert Reich as Secretary of Labor could hardly be described as labor's choice. But leaders preferred to see the appointment as an opportunity to elevate the importance of the Department within the cabinet and within the government. Better to have someone who has the President's ear, they reasoned, than someone whose views might be closer to labor, but less influential with the President. However, Reich's views differ from labor on a number of pivotal matters and despite the few gains listed above, there is trouble ahead between labor and the Clinton administration -- especially on two major issues in the labor agenda: labor law reform and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). On labor law reform, the administration has appointed a ten- person "Commission for the Future of Worker-Management Relations" chaired by former Labor Secretary and Harvard Professor Emeritus, John T. Dunlop. Preferring to look to academics and former Labor Secretaries rather than practitioners (there are four former secretaries on the commission including Dunlop), the commission consists of one retired labor leader, former United Autoworkers' President Douglas Fraser, and one senior business person, Xerox board chairperson and CEO, Paul Allaire. With the overwhelming majority of US management adamantly opposed to any labor law reform, there is a logic to avoiding practitioners on the commission. The commission's mandate is couched completely in the management-oriented terms of competitiveness, productivity and cooperation with the administration, fully accepting the notion that what's good for US business is by definition good for the US worker. Rather pointedly, the mandate is silent on democratic values of equality, social justice, and worker rights. Ideologically continuing the neo-liberal policies of the Bush administration, fuzzy notions of democracy and workers rights can only be discussed if they prove their productive utility in the competitive market place. Nailing the point home, Labor Secretary Reich is quoted in the August 8th New York Times as stating, "The jury is still out on whether the traditional union is necessary for the new workplace." One hopes that the emphasis in this remarkable statement for a Secretary of Labor is on "traditional" and that Reich is simply searching for a "new unionism" -- one better geared to the needs of women, people of color, service workers, employees of small businesses and the growing numbers of "contingent workers" (non-permanent, or non-full time employees, now approximately one quarter of the US workforce). But his management-oriented charge to the commission and endless other observations on "high performance workplaces," gives little indication that there is much concern in the administration about the tremendous imbalance of power between management and labor in the American workplace. Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown suggests that "unions are O.K. where they are. And where they are not, it is not clear yet what sort of organization should represent workers." What sort of organization should represent workers? What ever happened to the right of self-organization, or freedom of association? While technically the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (the Wagner Act) with its guarantee of the right to organize and its promotion of collective bargaining is still the law of the land, in practice, few US governments, including the present administration, are interested in promoting collective bargaining and worker self-organization as the principle method of resolving workplace disputes and as a means of achieving worker rights and social justice. Restoring the right of American workers to organize would require major labor law reform and the business community has little reason to want reform -- from their perspective the current law is working well in making it almost impossible for most workers to organize. Business used its considerable lobbying power to block a modest set of labor law reforms under the Carter administration, and there are no indications that in the ensuing years that it has reduced its opposition to unions or labor law reform. The Clinton administration is showing no signs of being willing to take on the issue of labor rights. In fact, as the comments of Reich and Brown demonstrate, they are ambivalent to organized labor -- willing to accept unions where they are (and accept union work and support for the administration), but not particularly inclined to see unions as vital workplace organizations in a democracy. The administration's support of Bush's "free trade" deal with Mexico and Canada, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a good example of the big business approach embraced by the Clinton administration. While preaching the gospel of training and a "high wage and high skilled" economy, the framework set out in the NAFTA further opens the door to the low wage, low skill alternative. It is essentially a free investment pact. "Free trade" in the context of NAFTA means freeing corporations from government regulation. It locks in, through an international treaty, relatively unrestricted movement of money, capital, goods and services, with extensive protections for property rights, and even creates new property rights, the so- called "intellectual properties" which extend ownership, patenting and protection of corporate monopolies in vital fields such as pharmaceutical, software, and seeds. While extending and creating new rights for investors, NAFTA makes no enforceable provisions for safeguarding the rights of workers, consumers or protecting the environment. And the side agreements on labor rights and the environment -- negotiated by the Clinton administration to allay the fears of labor and the environmental community -- are little more than window dressing making no changes in the basic character of the NAFTA with its overall approach of downward harmonization of conditions. The trade deal makes it possible for companies to challenge standards and regulations adopted by federal, state and local governments to protect human, animal or plant life, health, safety, the environment or consumers. Legislation and regulation, if it is higher than the standard of the other countries in the deal, could be challenged as "technical" or "non-tariff " barriers to trade. The final determination of whether or not this higher standard is a non-tariff barrier to trade and therefore must be removed will be made by an appointed arbitral panel established by the agreement. It is essentially a panel of experts meeting behind closed doors, an unelected government with power to strike down legislation. In the words of Michael Walker, chief economists with the Fraser Institute, a right wing think tank in Canada, "A trade agreement simply limits the extent to which the U.S. or other signatory governments may respond to pressure from their citizens." And what is democracy if not responding to pressure from ones citizen? While labor has concentrated its opposition to NAFTA on the jobs issue, it is the larger character of NAFTA in diminishing the role of government and democracy that is the long term threat of the agreement. The NAFTA explicitly requires that governments treat social institutions, such as education or health care, as commercial commodities open to the competitive pressures and the dictates of the marketplace. This neo-liberal approach which Clinton has embraced is a continuation of the disasterous economic policies for labor and working people of the Reagan/Bush years. It's trickle down trade economics. The administrations enthusiastic support of the NAFTA has finally forced the labor movement to call stop. On this issue, organized labor is prepared to publicly oppose the administration, and to risk embarrassing President Clinton by helping to defeat a major piece of legislation. What is somewhat surprising is the strength of the administrations commitment to neo-liberal policies. There is a complete failure to recognize that the high skill, high technology policy touted by the administration is very much at odds with the free investment, deregulated commerce, and low wage approach incorporated in the NAFTA agreement. While labor is reticent to challenge the administration, organized labor needs to mobilize its membership and supporters to create pressure on the administration and the Congress from the left. In particular, it needs to represent, not simply to the administration, but to the community at large, the interests of working people in the US who have been working harder and receiving less over the last decade. The administration needs pressure from the majority (working people) to take on the special interests of the minority (big business). And we need to remember that no group gives up its privileges easily. Reform is not just a matter of winning over one or two votes in the Senate. Major reform in the US has never been achieve simply by electing a sympathetic government. Rather, it has only come about with the combination of an administration that was open to reform, and equally as significant, a grassroots movement, organizing, mobilizing and demanding its rights. Senator Wagner, not President Roosevelt, wrote the National Labor Relations Act. And he was prompted, not by a sudden conversion to worker rights, but the reawakening of the labor movement. Workers actions and community support provided the momentum to assure the passage of labor law reform. The election of a Democratic administration in the 1992 election provides labor with an opening for change, but the momentum for change must come from labor itself. -30- 2100 words