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May 07, 2006
Work Life in the Games Industry
Gamewatch.org is a new organization founded a bit of a watchdog on the games industry, founded by Erin Hoffman , who shook up the industry in 2004 when she wrote an anonymous letter on the harsh (and illegal) working conditions at Electronics Arts and other video game companies that have led to lawsuits over violations of overtime laws.
A useful reminder that for regular workers, the "knowledge industry" is often as harsh and arbitrary as the old industrial economy-- and a good sign of a maturing consciousness among workers that they need some real discussion and organization to change things. Whether such efforts evolve into anything resembling unions is an open question, but as I always note, the Hollywood unions show that there is no incompatibility between the knowledge economy and strong labor rights.
Posted by Nathan at May 7, 2006 01:44 PM