February 2003 Page

February 28, 2003
  • Turkish War Support Unconstitutional? - Okay, this is just a really interesting development. Aside from the specific issue of war with Iraq, the last months... MORE...
  • AFL-CIO Opposes War - A historic decision by the AFL-CIO to oppose the war: "The president has not fulfilled his responsibility to make a... MORE...

    February 27, 2003
  • Seizing the Domain Names & First Amendment - Ashcroft does a double-header, trampling due process rights and the First Amendment all at once.Attorney General John Ashcroft said Monday... MORE...
  • Budget Simulation- You Balance the Budget - I've updated the National Budget Simulation with numbers from the new proposed 2004 Budget by the Bush Administration. This simple... MORE...

    February 25, 2003
  • Hijacking of the Affirmative Action Movement - [This is my most recent Progressive Populist column, but I would emphasize what a threat I see this group is... MORE...
  • More "Coalition of the Bribed" - Again, any coalition for war looks to be a coalition based on bribery and threats against small countries. MSNBC even... MORE...
  • HalfJew.com - Well MacDiva in comments (#12) pointed out this site as exploring and creating a community of those with only one... MORE...

    February 24, 2003
  • Who Cares if He's Innocent? - From the New York Times: A prosecutor was trying to block a death row inmate from having his conviction reopened... MORE...

    February 23, 2003
  • Intelligence: Genes Cause Environment - Okay-- here is a brilliant alternative to the nature versus nurture debate, from our hero Flynn with colleague Williams Dickens.... MORE...
  • Who is a Jew- and Am I One? - Hmm-- well I managed to get labelled a self-hating Jew AND an "insensitive gentile" all based on my post about... MORE...

    February 22, 2003
  • 114 Countries Condemn War - Maybe Bulgaria's support isn't so impressive? From The Australian 114 countries urge Iraqi backdown February 23, 2003 IN a show... MORE...
  • A Tax Increase by Any Other Name - Well, Bush does like some taxes, as long as its less out-of-pocket money for sick veterans. See this Washington Post... MORE...
  • Why IQ is a Moving Target - CalPundit brought up an issue that liberals and progressives do tend to avoid, which is how to discuss intelligence. Kevin... MORE...
  • Godwin's Law & Iraq - If Godwin's law has any validity, then all the warhawks should just pull back to their corners and abandon their... MORE...

    February 21, 2003
  • The World Versus Bush - In all the rigamarole over "New Europe" versus "Old Europe" divisions on Iraq, what is lost is what a tiny... MORE...
  • Amandla! Revolution in Four-Part Harmony - SEE THIS MOVIE! It is hard to describe the brilliance and depth of this movie, exploring the history of the... MORE...
  • Starving in Gaza - Matthew Yglesias objects to my post on the Bethlehem Wall as analogous to Nazi deprivations of Jews. Now, I was... MORE...

    February 20, 2003
  • Is there Room for Two Black Candidates? - From Slate: Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri, the former House minority leader, announced that he was taking steps to run... MORE...
  • Bookseller Purges to Defy Patriot Act - Ignorance is freedom. Well, that seems to be the reality under the Patriot Act, where knowing what your customers read... MORE...

    February 19, 2003
  • The Farce of Bush's Education Reform - Read this story about a stellar school deemed "failing" under Bush's teaching to the test method of evaluation. Check here... MORE...

    February 18, 2003
  • Bethlehem and Palestinian Ghettos - The Israelis are building a wall in Bethlehem to separate the Arabs from the Jewish part of town, just one... MORE...
  • Democracy in Iraq-- It was Nice Rhetoric - Well, once Turkey got their promise of no Kurdish voice in a post-invasion world, that did kind of imply that... MORE...

    February 17, 2003
  • A Conservative on Bush's Credibility Gap - See this Charley Reese column. I'm afraid that our fearless leader has talked himself into a diplomatic hole. It's hard... MORE...
  • Kucinich Now "Pro-Choice" - Dennis Kucinich, Congressman and former mayor of Cleveland, is announcing his candidacy for President. He's been seen as a stalwart... MORE...
  • Lincoln on Labor & Corporate Power - "All that serves labor serves the nation, all that harms is treason.If a man tells you he loves America, yet... MORE...

    February 16, 2003
  • More on Sellout of the Kurds - From the UK Independent comes more details that Bush is telling Kurdish leaders that real regime change is now off-the-table... MORE...
  • $26 billion Bribe for Turkey's Support - Along with selling out the Kurds, Bush is offering Turkey $6 billion in direct grants and $20 billion in loan... MORE...
  • A Progressive Alternative to the DNC - In the comments on my Greens post, skippy complained that just giving the DNC money, as Kos is promoting, is... MORE...
  • New York Says No to War - Near Rally site View down First Avenue It was a glorious day, bitter cold and wind burn included. The city... MORE...

    February 14, 2003
  • Why Greens Still Don't Get It - Ampersand has decided to revive Green apologia for why Nader and the Greens really aren't responsible for putting a warmongering... MORE...
  • Gotta Love Bloomberg - Everytime Bloomberg opens his mouth, I like his style. Also check out the transcript from CNN's Inside Politics where... MORE...

    February 13, 2003
  • The DLC, Not Sharpton is Danger for Dems - Rightwing columnist Robert Novak has breathlessly warned the Democrats (being the friend of progressivism that he is) that Democrats are... MORE...

    February 12, 2003
  • More Race-Baiting Over Estrada - Well here is the New York Post with a headlined editorial Dixiecrats Redux. You know, if Estrada is such a... MORE...
  • Is NATO Abandoning Turkey - Germany, France and Beligium have vetoed Turkey's invocation of its right to mutual defense against assault by Iraq. Politicians like... MORE...

    February 11, 2003
  • Jon Stewart is God, Part 50 - "The dustup with Germany is particularly personal with Rumsfeld, who has distant German relatives, whom he visited in the 1970s.... MORE...
  • Silliness of Bin Laden-Hussein Link - It's sad to see Powell blowing his credibility on manufacturing a Bin-Laden link to Saddam. The newest video just has... MORE...
  • Military Orders 77,000 Body Bags - Here's the sobering part of war planning. Back in 1991, the military ordered 16,000 body bags. Now, they have ordered... MORE...
  • Right Pollster's Sees Tough Bush Reelection - This from conservative Christian pollster George Barna: While people's knowledge of [Bush's Democratic ] contenders is generally slim-to-none, and most... MORE...
  • Corn on ANSWER's Banning of Rabbi Lerner - [NOTE: As I've said in the past and Michael Lerner is saying, please go to Saturday's demos. March in solidarity... MORE...

    February 10, 2003
  • Except for the Death part, It ain't so bad... - Okay, I'm not sure if this Orwell Land, Catch 22 bizarro world, or just Bush's America. The Eighth Circuit Court... MORE...

    February 09, 2003
  • UK Intelligence Says No Iraq-Al -Qaida Link - Yep, Powell's assertion of such a link is contradicted by the intelligence service of our closest ally, says a report... MORE...
  • Using Deficits to Gut Health Care/Aid to Poor - Well, it's nice to see it in black and white.: John F. Cogan, a Hoover fellow, was a top official... MORE...

    February 07, 2003
  • Did 911 Affect NYC's Economy? - Okay, the question seems ridiculous. Of course the attacks on the World Trade Center affected the city's economy. But the... MORE...
  • Bushs Sell Out the Kurds for Third Time - Well, we secured support from Turkey for an invasion of Iraq. The price? Selling out the Kurds whose oppression by... MORE...

    February 06, 2003
  • Dossier-Gate-- Blair Plagiarized Anti-Iraq Text - If some of the arguments about the dangers of Iraq seem like an unconvincing, labored academic exercise, it's because they... MORE...
  • Jobless Economy - Yes, cutting taxes on dividends is far more important than government spending on new jobs and taking care of... MORE...

    February 05, 2003
  • Block Grants & Bankrupt States - Ahh-- state governments are in massive deficits and slashing spending. What to so? Transfer more responsibility to them, as the... MORE...

    February 03, 2003
  • Pot Trial- Jury Ignorance as Weapon - Once upon a time there was right to trial by jury. But over time, judges have assumed more and more... MORE...
  • Lawyers Protecting Their Cartel - Here is a story about lawyers in full self-interested cartel mode trying to limit non-lawyers from giving legal advice. The... MORE...

    February 02, 2003
  • Why "Whopper"? Lie is the word - Slate's Timothy Noah cites Karl Rove talking about Bush's tax plan in his "whopper of the week." Now this is... MORE...
  • Creating Tax-Free Heirs - How's this for tax cut genius? Let's hand a tax cut to the wealthy that doesn't cut revenues during my... MORE...

    February 01, 2003
  • Islam- Religion of Diversity - Conservatives have taken to derisively referring to Islam as the "religion of peace." But what those who denounce Islam as... MORE...
  • Bush to Destroy Medicaid - This is the big one-- the block granting of Medicaid. When Clinton vetoed the Republican budgets back in 1995, shutting... MORE...
  • US is misquoting my Iraq report, says Blix - Well, now Bush is an internationally recognized liar . We figured we'd have to factcheck the State of the Union... MORE...
  • Current Weblog
    Recent Entries

    February 21, 2007
  • Amnesia on the Death of Reconstruction - I am going to pick on Brad Delong precisely because he is a brilliant and well-educated academic-- and his list... MORE...

    February 18, 2007
  • So What if Mitt Wants A Person of Faith as President? - There's a bit of a furor that Mitt Romney declared:We need to have a person of fiath lead the country.So... MORE...

    February 16, 2007
  • States Taking Action Against Iraq Escalation - So the New York Times is covering the story that resolutions denouncing Bush's Iraq Escalation have been introduced in over... MORE...

    January 01, 2007
  • Wal-Mart Doing Good for Environment - Seriously. This initiative by Wal-Mart to promote energy-saving light bulbs is a major environmental initiative. "Compact fluorescent" bulbs fit in... MORE...

    December 22, 2006
  • Dems' Stupid Positioning on Minimum Wage - As a followup to discussing why politicians need to appeal to a broad consensus, it's worth emphasizing that it's easier... MORE...

    December 21, 2006
  • Obama and the Need for Large Progressive Majorities - I've been as disappointed as many other progressive bloggers with Obama's bad votes on tort reform and seeming trimming of... MORE...

    December 13, 2006
  • test - tst... MORE...

    November 27, 2006
  • Ecuador Goes Left - Another country moves left-- whatever you want to say, Bush has been very good for reviving the global left, especially... MORE...
  • Building a Progressive Majority in the Statehouses - The Progressive States Network today rolled out its legislative agenda for the 2007 session and is looking to promote it... MORE...

    November 13, 2006
  • The Future Belongs to US - While the actual results seem razer-thin in this election, I'll be bold and argue that they are part of a... MORE...

    November 11, 2006
  • Pro-Labor "Conservative Democrats" - One more nail in the narrative that the victory of a few moderate Democrats means this election is really a... MORE...

    November 10, 2006
  • The Collapse of Tax Cut Politics - You can check out Progressive States rundown of progressive successes in the states on Tuesday, but I want to focus... MORE...

    November 08, 2006
  • A Good Night for Progressives - Let's be clear-- this wasn't just a good night for Democrats. It was a good night for progressives, and no... MORE...

    November 01, 2006
  • Labor Cold War Ends - New International Labor Federation - At the dawn of the Cold War, the international union movement divided up between the ICFTU, dominated by US and Western European unions, and the World Confederation of Labor, largely allied with the Soviet Union. It's taken a decade and a half, but the irrelevancy of that division will end today as the two federations merge-- bringing together 241 labor organizations from 156 countries representing 190 million workers. The new International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is a good step for a labor movement looking to globalize itself in the taking on global capital power.... MORE...

    October 19, 2006
  • Immigrant Poor Send More Foreign Aid than US Govt - The United States government spends less money on foreign aid as a percentage of its budget than almost any other... MORE...

    October 17, 2006
  • - Valuing Families:  State Legislative Models Brought to you by Progressive States and MomsRising What would a policy that really values families look... MORE...

    October 09, 2006
  • Emaciated Models, Labor Regulation - There's a bit of debate in the blogosphere around Spain's new law banning underweight models from the runways in that country. See Jordan, Amanda at Pandagon and Lindsay Beyerstein at Majikthise on whether this is an intrusive regulating violating free expression or something like that and whether OSHA safety regulations are appropriate. Just to throw my two cents in-- any broader OSHA approach would seem cumbersome and bureaucratically intrusive in a deep way. But the original Spanish proposal is brilliant in its high-impact, low-intrusion approach. Regulate only the fashion week type runways, where in a single spotcheck, models can be... MORE...

    October 03, 2006
  • Big loss for Labor-- - The National Labor Relations Board ruled today that a range of professionals are now deemed "supervisors" and thus lose all protections under labor law. That means if they say a positive thing about unions, their bosses are free to fire them at will. The AFL-CIO has more here. To put this denial of labor rights in perspective, 32 million workers or 25% of the workforce already have no right to form a union under federal, state or local law (see this GAO report and this ARAW summary). This includes: Supervisors 16.6 million workers, 8 million new supervisors plus traditional 8.6... MORE...

    September 27, 2006
  • Civil War on the Right- Dick Armey trashes Dobson - The economic business- right and the religious right are moving towards total civil war. This piece by former GOP Majority... MORE...

    September 24, 2006
  • Allen the Racist - Three college teammates confirm that George Allen regularly used the N- word: Allen said he came to Virginia because he... MORE...