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April 05, 2004

Labor Roundup


  • Send-A-Fax: Tell President Bush to withdraw his overtime pay take-away.
  • Voice your support in Congress for the right to join a union- the Employee Free Choice Act.
  • Support Cambodian hotel workers in their struggle for distribution of "service charges" to workers.

    Strikes and Actions

  • Washington DC area grocery unions sign concessionary contract with stores.
  • Michigan Red Cross faces statewide strike.
  • Minnesota unions support transit strikers in Minneapolis.
  • Cement workers end two month strike after company improves offer.
  • Military busts union at its Disney resort.
  • Colt locks out UAW after impasse on contract negotiations.
  • Longshoremen sue Disney to hand out "Moe the Rat" leaftlets against cruise line.
  • Academic student employees at University of Washington vote for UAW representation. 6000 Cal State student employees also vote to join the UAW. Majority of Columbia University grad students have signed cards asking for union representation by the UAW>

    Labor and Politics

  • Kerry pledges to pick a labor secretary from the "House of Labor."
  • Bush moves to take final steps in abolishing overtime pay for millions of US workers.
  • Bush issues executive order requiring contractors to post right of workers NOT to join a union-- but not listing their other rights under the labor law.
  • Illinois Governor defies Bush overtime rules-- protects overtime for Illinois workers.
  • Chicago Aldermen vote to delay zoning approval for Wal-Mart to force negotiations on labor rights.
  • Supreme Court to review age bias rules for lawsuits.
  • New Mexico agrees to "fair share" union dues for all government employees in bargaining units.

    General labor analysis

  • In These Times: The Walton's of Wal-Mart prepare to launch multi-million dollar assault on the left.
  • New York Times: Altering of worker time cards spurs growing number of lawsuits.
  • AFL-CIO: Analysis of March jobs report.
  • Las Vegas, Union Town- a story on the surprising emergence of the city as a place where core workers are almost all unionized.
  • Costco's love of labor: Employees' well-being key to its success


  • ICFTU unions launch international support program for Iraqi trade unions.
  • Who are the unemployed in China?
  • Europe pensioners hit the streets in protest of cutbacks. More here and here.
  • Head of teachers union in South Korea arrested for voicing support for a political party, and union members arrested in protest of the action.
  • Thailand unions protest privatization plans.
  • Immigrant workers die in Greece building the Olympics, as critics charge safety standards are ignored.
  • Venezuelan labor leader denied asylum by Costa Rica.
  • Australia: Massive organising effort in retail stores.

    Posted by Nathan at April 5, 2004 07:03 AM