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June 29, 2005

Why No Senate Deal on Social Security

The Democrats can't agree to any bill in the Senate, even without private accounts, since the GOP has already announced their intention to abuse the conference committee system -- as they have in the past -- to ram them back in.

See this item:

Rep. Jack Kingston, Georgia Republican and vice chairman of the House Republican Conference, was glad Mr. Grassley seems to be making some progress in his chamber.

"Anything they can get passed out of the Senate we should consider a major victory," Mr. Kingston said, adding that if the Senate can pass any sort of Social Security bill -- even without personal accounts -- the House would "meet them in conference committee with personal accounts."
In any case, any "reform" bill out of the Hosue is likely to be so larded with new tax giveaways to wealthy investors that it should be defeated in any case.

Posted by Nathan at June 29, 2005 10:57 AM