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May 03, 2004
Take Action for Justice!
SEIU has been conducting its strategy discussion on how to take on Wal-Mart and its ilk, but being SEIU, they couldn't avoid calling for action a bit earlier than intended. But's it's good opportunity since it merges concerns with globalization with union-busting:
The International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, is currently selecting the company that will provide security for IMF offices. One of their choices, Wackenhut, is the current security contractor at this site. In recent weeks, multiple labor charges have been filed against the company, alleging that it has created a climate of fear at the IMF worksite by threatening, interrogating and even firing employees who support union organizing.So send a message to the IMF. No Union Busting!
Posted by Nathan at May 3, 2004 12:11 PM