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March 08, 2005

UCC BlogAd

The Ad the Networks Didn't Want You to See

I don't usually comment on the blogads on my site; they usually speak for themselves, but the United Church of Christ ad just added deserves a special mention, since it's part of a major buy across the blogosphere to do an endrun around the networks which refused to run the ad. As the Church says itself:

the United Church of Christ tried to place an ad on CBS and NBC. Our message of extravagant welcome was rejected for being “too controversial.” I was outraged by this abuse of power by the networks. How else could we get our word to the people?

Enter the bloggers, who recognized the absurdity of the networks allowing ads that feature half-naked women mud wrestling and former presidential candidates talking about penile dysfunction, but who find the notion of a church welcoming all people to be too threatening.

Ad revenue is nice, but giving a progressive church a chance to exercise free speech denied them by the corporate media monopolies-- now that's priceless. Check it out!

Posted by Nathan at March 8, 2005 02:36 PM