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October 19, 2002

Scientific Knowledge Suppressed

Unclassified but "sensitive" research funded by the government has been systematically suppressed by the Bush administration in the name of "national security", against the protests of top government science Academies. Tthe policy, experts said, had already resulted in the administration's withdrawing of thousands of reports and papers from the public domain."

On this point, Bush moves into the area of directly endangering our lives and health, as he stunts the sharing of scientific knowledge and retards technological progress on whole areas of medicine and other arenas.

How many ways can we commit social suicide through overextended self-destructive fear. The terrorists have won-- we've gutted our civil liberties, crippled our transportation systems out of fear, put health care for the poor and elderly on the backburner, and now crippled our system of free and open scientific exchange.

New York can recover from the destruction of the World Trade Center. It's less clear how long if ever the country will take to recover from the range of wounds we've inflicted on ourselves in its aftermath.

Posted by Nathan at October 19, 2002 08:05 AM

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