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May 15, 2003

GOP Loves Lawyers- for Fetuses

Nothing illustrates better why I am pro-choice than Governor Jeb Bush's move to try to appoint a "guardian" for the fetus of a rape victim.

Get raped, buy yourself a lawsuit by the state government on behalf of your "unborn child."

How about this-- the state appoints a guardian for every sperm in a man's body. He must periodically report to the government the name of every sexual partner where said sperm has been deposited; failure to remember said name will constitute reckless abandonment of said sperm and constitute felony child neglect.

Why not? It's the logic of the bringing the government into the bedroom.

Posted by Nathan at May 15, 2003 09:42 AM

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So I could go to jail for masturbating? And would vibrators become abortion aids? Shooudl I use a condom when masturbating and mail the sperm to Jeb!?

Posted by: nofundy at May 15, 2003 12:24 PM

Every woman must put the results of her menstrual period into a container and mail it to Jeb, also.

Posted by: Observer at May 15, 2003 12:36 PM

Sperm are alive. Masturbation is murder. Build more jails now.

Posted by: greymattermom at May 16, 2003 07:52 PM

What was satire under Nixon, giving fetuses the right to vote under Republican guardians, is becoming reality under the Bush brothers.

Easter Lemming Liberal News Digest

Posted by: Gary Denton at May 18, 2003 03:01 PM

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