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March 03, 2005

Take the Pledge to Defy FEC

The FEC is making noises to limit the speech of blogs in the name of campaign finance reform. Josh worries that this "would mean the end of what this site and so many others on the right and left do."

Only if we follow the rules. I won't. Free speech is worth fighting for and the best way to do it is to refuse to be silent. There are a lot of bloggers out there and that's a lot of people to throw in jail if they all pledge to defy the rules.

I think most campaign finance rules restricting contributions are worthless and lead to idiotic proposals like this one. This is a good place for the insanity to stop. The more bloggers who pledge to defy the SEC, the less likely they are to move forward.

Posted by Nathan at March 3, 2005 12:38 PM