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August 07, 2002

Enviro Wed. (8-7)

Roundup on the environment, Aug 7

  • The Sierra Club and other environmental groups have dismissed Bush's "Clean Skies" plan as a sham that would weaken environmental laws and reward polluting corporations.
  • EPA stalling Dioxin study:The Stop Dioxin Exposure Campaign is highlighting the release of a letter by 66 House members to the EPA calling for the agency to finish a long-delayed study of the effects of dioxin on communities.
  • Auto companies have dropped plans to mount a referendum campaign to repeal the tough car emissions rules California passed to fight global warming. Key to the decision were behind-the-scenes negotiations with Ford executives to keep them out of the automakers anti-environment alliance.
  • TheOther Alaska battle: Environmentalists are battling the Bush administration's decision to overturn Clinton's "Roadless Rule" which would have prevented logging in large parts of US national forests, including the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. Instead, Bush's Forest Service wants to open about 2.5 million acres for the first time to logging and roads. Senator Max Cleland has introduced legislation to enforce the "Roadless Rule."
  • The World Wildlife Fund is working in Brazil with local NGOs to promote the cultivation of organic cocoa as a way to preserve both Brazilian forests and jobs for local communities. The cocoa is being marketed to Swiss companies for their premium chocolate products.
  • WWF also has a good feature on the crisis of water supplies globally, where contamination denies some 3.3 billion people access to clean water, and 2.5 billion people have no water sanitation services.
  • Showing that developing countries don't see pollution as necessary for development, Greenpeace has worked in the Phillipines to win victories against coal power in favor of renewable energy in that country. Similarly, Brazil is promoting an array of clean air projects as part of its commitment to the Kyoto Treaty.

    Posted by Nathan at August 7, 2002 07:34 AM

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    nathan, if it's enviro weds, don't forget:


    environmental groups (lead by the national resources defense council) sue navy over sonar use.

    the groups claim the new sonar could harm whales and other marine life that use sonar for navigation.

    Posted by: skippy at August 7, 2002 10:21 PM

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