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March 15, 2003

Charities for Poor in Trouble

Just when they are needed most, revenues are plummeting for charities serving the poor and hungry.

Donors are poorer, foundation support has crashed along with their stockmarket portfolios, and unemployment is driving need through the roof.

I like groups like City Harvest since they multiply the value of the donation by using it to track down food left over in warehouses or restaurants around the city. Since I got a new job a few weeks ago, I sent them the largest donation I've made in years.

If interested, you can donate online here or give to your local food bank. I also sent a donated to the Food Bank of New Jersey here.

But send whatever you can. It's getting grim on the streets as long-term unemployment takes its toll across the country.

Posted by Nathan at March 15, 2003 08:43 AM

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I just got hired on with a non-profit human services provider whose target clientele are the poor and homeless in our community. Yes, funding is drying up everywhere & only the fact that this organization had the great good fortune to build a support network of local churches which promise a baseline level of funding every year allows them to be assured of serving the community over the long term.

I second your call for support of local charities. Send whatever you can, folks!

Posted by: Devra at March 16, 2003 06:39 PM

Respected sir

i am ranjit fernando. from india.

i am an volunteer, who really care to help.

as a christian i am a person who believe that to be born on earth is something great, if so its the real grace of the lord god.

doing something good and bad is left to us.

there r some christian who really dont follow the principles but even continue to act as real christians.

i am a person who really respect human values and god fearing.

there r so many physically and mentally retarded childrens who lack of love and care.

i really dont know how to reach people who really care to help the poor and the needy.

i work for a small concern and i am doing as much as possible.

but i cant even satisfy the basic needs like food, shelter and clothing.

i came to know through some christian charities here that ur r really helping out the poor all over the world.

i need ur kind help to relly reach the poor and the needy.

as a christian u can believe in my words, for its an sensitive issue and my words r true, i am person who abide my the principles of god.

hope u will help. the poor

waiting for ur reply.




i am an volunteer, i am ready to do any kind of service for the poor and the needy.

am ready to migrate to any place any time to do srevice

Posted by: ranjanfernando at April 12, 2003 01:25 AM

I know you'd like us to believe that charities are suffering as a result of the Bush Administration (by the way, unemployment is lower than the average all through the 90's) but when I was researching charities for the poor, I found this article online, from 1999... remember 1999... Clintonville?

Saturday, December 25, 1999

US charities serving poor face hard times


Despite America's booming economy, charities for the poor and homeless are experiencing downturns in individual and corporate giving, reports The New York Times. Organisations large and small, including the United Way and the Salvation Army, report that the increase in demand for their services is being compounded by a decrease in the funds available to them.
Service provisions to the poor are also growing more complex, as charities struggle to cope with the ongoing needs of a new class of working poor created by the overhaul of the welfare system three years ago.

Although total giving in the United States reached a high of $175 billion last year, nearly 90 per cent of donations went to religious organisations (many of which rechannel donated funds into services for the poor) and cultural and educational institutions that primarily benefit the wealthy and middle classes.

According to Independent Sector, giving as a percentage of household income is down slightly -- from 2.5 per cent of total income in 1989 to 2.1 per cent last year.

Many experts in the field say the prosperity experienced by large numbers of Americans in the 1990s may actually be leading to declines in giving, creating an image of national well-being that doesn't hold true for a significant percentage of the country's population. Others hope that giving will increase as the newly rich, many of whom are their 30s and 40s, turn their attention to philanthropy.

"This may be a lag," said Elizabeth Boris, director of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at the Urban Institute. "Maybe the whole generation of folks making money are not yet a part of the network of people who give."

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Posted by: Teresa Ambord at March 18, 2004 11:53 PM

Respected sir

i am John Britto, from india.

i am an volunteer, who really care to help.

as a christian i am a person who believe that to be born on earth is something great, if so its the real grace of the lord god.

doing something good and bad is left to us.

there r some christian who really dont follow the principles but even continue to act as real christians.

i am a person who really respect human values and god fearing.

there r so many physically and mentally retarded childrens who lack of love and care.

i really dont know how to reach people who really care to help the poor and the needy.

i work for a small concern and i am doing as much as possible.

but i cant even satisfy the basic needs like food, accomadation, shelter and clothing.

i came to know through some christian charities here that ur r really helping out the poor all over the world.

i need ur kind help to relly reach the poor and the needy.

as a christian u can believe in my words, for its an sensitive issue and my words r true, i am person who abide my the principles of god.

hope u will help. the poor

waiting for ur reply.




i am an volunteer, i am ready to do any kind of service for the poor and the needy.

am ready to migrate to any place any time to do srevice in my area

Posted by: C,.John Britto at January 23, 2006 04:55 AM

john britto....u are an idiot

Posted by: priya at March 30, 2006 01:20 PM

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