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August 26, 2002

"Transfer" by Starvation

This report in the Jerusalem Post notes that, with malnutrition rife among their children due to the Israeli economic blockcade on the Occupied Territories, 80,000 Palestinians have left the country. Many more are seeking to do so and if Israel refuses them reentry later, the government will have accomplished the goal of gradual ethnic clensing of the West Bank. Given these conditions, it's also not surprising that Arafat's support has hit a new low. But this does not mean some gain for moderation. As desperation takes hold among the Palestinians, support for Hamas and other radical Islamicists has now passed Fatah.

Posted by Nathan at August 26, 2002 04:29 PM

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Sharon as Milosevic.

Posted by: Paleo at August 27, 2002 01:52 PM

Very interesting site, beautiful design, thank.

Posted by: Dominic at March 24, 2006 11:17 AM

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