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October 07, 2002
Bank Rewards Gramm w/ Job
Where's the public outrage on the senior Republican on the banking committee being given a job with a bank upon his departure? Gramm has carried water for banking interests for years-- and now his reward. Well, big surprise-- his wife Wendy Gramm was a director at Enron and he continued to pimp for the auditing industry. See my post back in May.
Posted by Nathan at October 7, 2002 10:27 PM
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Tracked on January 10, 2006 12:02 PM
UBS Warburg, of course, is now the proud
owner of Enron's old trading operations. So,
Gramm's illustrious history of doing Enron's
bidding will continue.
Posted by: Tim Francis-Wright at October 9, 2002 11:05 AM
Think simple. Learn different. Macinstruct.net
Posted by: Silvester at July 6, 2004 08:47 AM